• Gutstrasse 53, 8055 Zurich, Switzerland
  • Mo - Fr: 09:00 - 17:00


Whether a total or partial denture, we will conjure up the perfect third teeth for you.

There are many different reasons why a tooth has to be removed. Dental care in the past is also not comparable with today. However, in certain cases it is best for the overall health. If there are no more own teeth or the few remaining own teeth are no longer resilient enough to support fixed dentures, a prosthetic restoration may be necessary.

Whether it comes to a total prosthesis or only some teeth must be restored, depends on each individual situation. The goal is to restore your chewing function so that you can eat well again without pain. The prosthesis must not only fit functionally, but also aesthetically. We want to give you a beautiful smile and restore your healthy self-confidence. We will advise you on which prosthesis is best for you. In addition, implants or mini-implants can be added to any type of denture for a stable fit.

Arten von Zahnersatz


We distinguish between:

  • Immediate prosthesis (immediate transitional solution)
  • Wire clasp prosthesis (partial prosthesis)
  • Model cast prosthesis (partial denture)
  • Total prosthesis (complete denture)